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Danella Brings 5G to Nashville

Danella Brings 5G to Nashville

Published on: January 26, 2021

Categories: Our Business, Stories from the Field

Customers in greater Nashville are enjoying 5G wireless that lets them download, stream, and connect faster than ever before, thanks in a large part to Danella.

5G Base Station in Nashville

As the contractor for a large telecommunications provider, Danella engineered, designed, built, managed, and maintains the 5G broadband fiber optic cable network newly powering the metro Nashville market. The project kicked off in June of 2019, deployed in 2020, and continues into 2021 – a testament to the massive scope of 5G network builds.

“One of Danella’s key strengths is our expertise across all aspects of this complex work, from design and permitting through long-term troubleshooting,”

says Ken Knight, Operations Manager for Danella Construction, Inc.. “None of this is new to us. For more than 45 years, Danella has overseen and implemented major infrastructure projects ranging from utility implementation to fiber optics – all of which converge in 5G builds.”

Danella’s demonstrated ability to demobilize quickly and reliably was another reason the Pennsylvania-based company won the Nashville contract.

“Danella is accustomed to moving equipment from various points nationwide to wherever it’s needed. We’re equally accustomed to getting qualified employees onsite. Geography is never a barrier, as our track record attests.”

On average, thirty Danella employees worked in greater Nashville at any given point, building towers and the larger 5G grid on which future network upgrades will rely.

Once onsite, management and engineers brought metro Nashville inspectors and city managers up to speed on permitting and other practical considerations necessary to perform the future-facing work.

“Phase by phase, we helped the city stay one step ahead of expectations, needs, and potential hurdles.”

The sum total? 5G that Nashville customers are enjoying right now.

“We made the market launch for 2020 as hoped, allowing our telecommunications partner to offer 5G to customers and letting those customers enjoy it over the holidays and quarantine,” Knight says, “Still, the project is ongoing. Specifically, we’ll continue to densify the antenna footprint for stronger coverage overall.”

In keeping with its reputation for safety, Danella reports no major safety incidents during the build.

“Safety is always at the forefront of our minds. It’s a major consideration when bidding a project, starting it, and performing each day’s work. We’re proud of that fact,” Knight says.

And as major metro markets nationwide push to build critical 5G groundwork, Danella looks forward to its continued role in getting cities and communities connected to faster speeds – and to the future,

“We pride ourselves on our ability to evolve alongside technological and market preferences.

Whether it’s a 5G job that looks similar to Nashville or one with different needs, we’re eager to tackle the next challenge.”