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Wellness: Technology and Mental Health

Wellness: Technology and Mental Health

Published on: May 3, 2024

Categories: Health & Wellness

May is internationally considered Mental Health Month. The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) notes that 1 in 5 U.S. Adults experience some mental health concern. Within construction, that same statistic applies, with 1 in 5 workers struggling with anxiety, depression, or other mental health concerns.

Over the years, we’ve consistently emphasized the crucial role of mental health in our lives. Don’t miss out on these insightful articles by clicking here. Within the construction industry, mental health is important as our industry, along with mining, ranks in the top percentage for suicide deaths (CDC, 2020).

At Danella, our Wellness Program provider, BHS, is working to spread the word about the importance of mental well-being. One topic of interest is the many different technology apps that can be downloaded today to help with reducing anxiety, depression, and stress. Many applications are interactive, with daily reminders to rest and relax, or provide coaching. Here are just a few apps that may be beneficial to you. Please note that some are paid applications and do have a cost associated.

Applications for Anxiety and Depression

Mediation, Mindfulness, and Deep Breathing Apps

In addition to these applications, there are also many YouTube accounts around mental health and well-being that provide meditation, yoga, and other techniques that can help in stressful situations.

Support for Mental Health

Outside of the technology resources please know that emergency lines are always available to help. Here are just a few that you can contact if you feel like you need mental health support. Don’t wait!